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&! Friday, September 05, 2008


was looking through my stuff the other day, and chanced upon the photos we took when we were still blissful primary six students. time really flies eh. now, it's the mugging-for-eoys period already, and 2009's just a couple of months away. so, goodluck for eoys everyone! and those who take o levels, work hard! maybe we'll see each other in jc, haha.

sylvia ♥

ps: for those who went back on tchr's day, did you all take any photos! if yes, please do upload them thankyou :D

7:10 AM

&! Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hey everyone (:

sem 2's starting in about 4 days time >< hope your hols have been great and that you all are doing fine. (: hmm. time really flies. we're all sec 3 already. soon, before we know it, we'll all be like in jc, and then uni for the girls and ns for the guys.

anyway, just thought i'd liven up this place a little cos it's been a long while since someone actually posted here. yep. and if you're wondering what the password here is, you can email me or ask around for anyone else who remembers. (:

yup. so, take care and jiayou for the rest of the year :D

<3 qiqi

5:45 AM

&! Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hi guys.
And gals.
And if there are any, gays and les.
Haha. Okay lame. But just as a precaution. Lest the Gay Rights Society or something sues me.
But anyway, I've been very very curious about what's happening on this blog recently. Although my conscience forces me to admit that I hardly come to this blogspot anymore, certain members of the class had reminded me that some issues have happened and thus needs a judge, jury and executioner here.
Therefore, my presence.
I know, I know, it's a little late, but I think what's right is that we fix it.
Firstly, certain individuals seems to be disrupting our little absent harmony here. Well, I can't exactly say we're very bonded right now, with more than a year behind. But reasonably speaking, do things have to be that extreme?
I don't know if this person was indeed from our class, or what are his/her intentions. And I'm not going to honour him/her by investigating. It's beneath all of us.
I just think that, why do everyone blow up the things that are insignificant, and fail to recall the things that truly matter?
Like, enjoying each other's company even when we make new friends?
Like, laughing together and working together for gatherings and camps?
Like, knowing it's not hard to let go, but we still hold on dearly?
I must say 6a isn't my top priority. And the sad truth would probably be that it will never be.
And strangely enough, I hope the same for all of you. Because we all have dreams to pursue, and places to explore. It doesn't mean that we have to forget the past. Instead, the past is what makes the present more precious. And it makes us look forward to the future.
Holding a ship too tightly to the dock will only make it rusty. So dare to brave the storms and go out to sea. Breathe the sea breeze. Live life.
And when you miss the dock, it will always welcome you back.
On a more lectural (no such word, I know) note, do not swear back when other people do. Because it just serves to lower yourself to his/her/it's level.
Just to do a survey, who wants a class gathering? I don't want to beg my mum for her credit card and end up staying in a chalet myself.
It's tentatively during the Dec hols. If there more than 15 replies, I will consider planning it. So if you want it, please drop me an email at jiasheng.hwachong@gmail.com. And do inform the other people. Oh if you guys plan to invite Sheryl and Nicholas, no objections from me.
Erm so decide. I'll give till July... And I'll inform you guys then.
Till then, tata.

6:03 AM

&! Saturday, February 17, 2007

hey 6A05<3
i was reading iris' blog and regretted not going back on friday. miss you guys so much! i hope everyone is doing fine in their own school and stuff!
6A05 has left me with many pleasant memories that are hard to put down. i thank you guys, all 43+3, thankyou so much. without all these memories, i think it's gonna be a very hard time for me.(closer ones should know what has happened to me during 2006)
i agree with qiqi man. like my sister's class also had a gathering last yr when they were all j1s and most turned up! may we be like them. can everyone cooperate? give jiasheng your details and we can have a class contact list to go on! and if you change anything detail later on! remember 6a05!
any idea when class gathering will be? let's make it on good friday again. then, goodfriday will be 6a05 date for long.
6A05, CLASS OF 2005
we were once that top class;
we will always be.
we were once that lovable;
we will always be.
we were once that adorable;
we will always be.
Laughter, peace and joy,
Superb, power and fire,

6A05 has once lived;
and we will never die.

4:44 AM

&! Saturday, January 27, 2007

HELLO 6A. (: hope 2007 has been going fine so far for everyone. i recently visited the class blog again after a rather long time (sorry), and read wenxi's post. and i got all nostalgic again. -.-

anyway, please please keep this blog alive, and try to find time to just tag or post here once in awhile. you know, last december, my sister's p6 class (6a'02) had a chalet, and more than half the class turned up. so maybe, 3 years down the road, we will be able to do the same. (:

<3 6A'05. For without you guys, i would be missing out, alot.

50 years down the road, we may not call each other anymore, not meet up anymore, or maybe not even recognise each other anymore. But at least, we were once a class, and have shared common memories, that hopefully, will last a lifetime.

<33 qiqi

6:22 AM

&! Thursday, December 14, 2006

2006 is ending.2007 is starting.and we are already apart for 1 year?we actually managed without each other.but surely we still miss each other.somehow we are movin on with our new life.sylvia sent me the phone relay system the other day and its the one with groups.brought up memories of our seating arrangements.so sweet.if we have another day in pc sitting in our seats listening our teachers, probably everyone would be cherishing the few hours.anyway there probably wont be gathering cause i am super busy.like working 12 hrs a day for my mum.so cannot make it.probably gathering would be next year by js AGAIN?haha.no offense.wonder how it will be like when we meet each other again.totally different.or totally unchanged.who knows??but no matter what everyone must remember 6a'05.and the friends we made.and we will be the first primary school class to continue our gatherings till sec 4=))and show ppl that primary school friends are forever.provided that everyone comes for it.i hope that although ppl ignore this blog and ignore smses phone calls, they can still consider us as friends or maybe classmates is enough.and most importantly at least know that there was once this class.yup.so.i wish u guys make more friends and stay happy and be well in the year.like what chaegyung in goong said"in 25 million years, we will still meet the people we meet" and hopefully we will be a class again.

three cheers for 6a'05. and make 6a'05 proud=))


5:57 PM

&! Monday, November 13, 2006

Hey, I just heard from one of my seniors that they had a pact in primary school.
The pact stated that all of them must come for any gatherings organized and they must keep in touch till JC.
Isn't that nice?
Oh, I'm here to ask for contact numbers. In case I need to organize a gathering and I keep getting, "Sorry, this number is no longer in use,"
So please email to waxball@gmail.com your :

2)school and class currently
3)hp no.
4)home no.
6)usable email

It will be good if you can provide all these xD
Wah I can open a loanshark company liao.

9:13 PM